Using Teensybat

Yes I know, I also do not like to read a usermanual.

For the people that just want to rush out into the the great wild open I created 3 video's. This explain the most important functions. The video is made using a Teensy 4.1 based detector with TeensyBat v 1.4 software. Although we now have software version 1.7, many of the settings and features still look the same.

Please note that some company claimed an infringement of a US and UK patent they hold. For that reasone, that function was removed from the software and manuals. 


1.7 version Manual

First attempt of writing a new manual.......  Probably still needs some work but I did not want to keep you waiting.

TeensyBat V1.7 User manual
PDF – 1,2 MB 459 downloads

For the ones that like the older manual better, a lot of features are still the same.

TeensyBat User Manual V1.4
PDF – 357,1 KB 875 downloads
How to use the filter settings in V1.3 and higher.
PDF – 98,3 KB 1059 downloads

In software version 1.7 a new feature was added that allows to store GPS location in the recordings GUANO portion without having a GPS module installed or having it turned off to conserve energy but still have location data on logging activities.

V1.7 GPS location "profiles"
PDF – 40,0 KB 303 downloads

I noticed several quistions were asked about the autorecord feature.

In autorecord we have some settings to prevent large files and all-night recording.

Max Duration limits the size of the wav file. (5-300 seconds)

Max Silence tells haw many seconds after the last trigger recording should stop (1-30 seconds)

Pause between records prevents getting lots of records. (0-900 seconds)


All recording in autorecord is triggered by ultrasonic sounds exceeding a minimum frequency and volume.


I drew up this diagram to explain what times are used and what moments are skipped in the recordings.

The diagram does not show the pre-buffer.  To capture all sounds of an approaching bat, several seconds of audiobuffer before the the trigger moment are also stored. (0-5 seconds in 0.5 second steps)


Automated Recording Tips For Longer Recording Periods
PDF – 147,1 KB 433 downloads





Ook voor de nederlands gebruikers een snelstartgids als youtube video. Toestel met Teensy4.1 en software versie 1.4 is gebruikt voor deze video. Versie 1.6 lijkt hier wel heel erg veel op.

1.4 Handleiding

TeensyBat v1.4 Handleiding
PDF – 418,9 KB 565 downloads

Automatisch opnemen en de afspeelfunctie komen in onderstaande video's aan bod.

Manuals in other languages

If you feel there is a need for an manual in an other language, or if you want to edit the manual please contact me I can send you the .docx file for you to work with. It would be very nice if someone could translate it to German of French, but other languages are also interesting. 

Below are translations by Roger Cattin

Manuel de l'Utilisateur Teensy Bat v1.4
PDF – 402,3 KB 302 downloads
Gebrauchsanweisung Teensy Bat v1.4
PDF – 410,3 KB 318 downloads