
Lot's op people build their own version, here are some pictures of some of them.

If you have some nice pictures that you want to share please sens me an e-mail.


This is what the detector looks like if you use the kit, or enclosure and display as described in the building manual


This is the version I made for myself, I managed to use a 3.2" display (Largest in the ILI9341 family) and lowered the total hight by milling down the enclosure. The battery is small and will only last one short night. The inside is just high enough for the GPS module. 


Robert made a nice design for his TeensyBat (with V0.7 PCB) .  It is nice to see something else than just a straight box, Even the knobs are made to fit the style. Excellent looks on this one, nice job Robert! Found here on Thingiverse.

Remo made this one, I really like the color of this printed enclosure. It is the latest version PCB (v0.7) 

You can find Remo's design files here.


Here is a nice picture of a detector built by Thierry (v0.2 BCB T3.6) (Thiniverse link)


Lies used some texture on her 3D printed enclosures.


This is a detector built by Zach, it has some nice details on the face and round corners. Thingiverse link


Fred used a nice blue filament in his printer, looks good right? This is here on Thingiverse.


Just an other one by Thierry, this one has the Teensy4.1 prototype board (without the integrated charge circuit).

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